TERA Speaker Co., Ltd.'s goal is to become a world speaker leader in a variety of speaker technologies, and our researchers' efforts to become the world's leading professional micro speaker company will continue without a break.
As long as humans exist, sound exists, and as long as sound exists, so do speakers.As science advances, speakers tend to become so small and slim that you can't imagine the size of them.
TERA Speaker Co., Ltd. is a leading professional micro-speaker company in the development of this speaker, and our research institute is at the center of it. Having devoted ourselves to manufacturing and developing microspeakers for the past 10 years, we are actively and creatively responding to everything our customers demand based on our best R&D organizations and strong basic technology and know-how.
In order to respond faster to rapidly changing global markets, we continue to improve the technology of R&D personnel, as well as devote all our energies to developing new technologies with bold R&D investments and a spirit of challenge.
In particular, we are continuing research and development to develop smaller, thinner, wider-banded Dynamic Receiver and microspeaker products that are high-power, high-efficiency, high-quality, miniaturized, precise, multifunctional, and modular.
TERA Speaker Co., Ltd. is dedicated to securing related technologies and research and development for Globaless Assembly, Solderless Assembly, and automation of production with the aim of eco-friendly production.
The research and development goal of TERA Speaker Co., Ltd. is to become a world speaker leader, and our efforts to become the world's leading professional speaker company will surely lead to results.
All researchers at TERA Speaker Co., Ltd. are sweating day and night, burning their passion for R&D in the belief that dreams come true.Based on the results of these sweat, we will definitely realize the customer's impression.
CEO of TERA Speaker Co., Ltd