MST Speaker
Ultra high resolution Speaker
Enjoy the ultra-high-resolution sound that creates an overwhelming sense of immersion when listening to blockbuster movies, symphonies or sounds of nature. Any small sound or low-pitched sound that is mixed with high notes is delivered as if it were happening in front of your eyes. We've been waiting for MST for a long time to enjoy the absolute original sound.
ブロックバースト映画や交響楽や自然の音を聞く時、圧倒的な没入感を生み出す超高解像度サウンドでお楽しみください。 どんな小さな音や高音と混ざった中低音でも、まるで目の前で起こるように生き生きとした躍動感が感じられるようにお届けします。 最高品質のサウンドを楽しみたいマニアさんたちのための技術をMST(Magnetostatic Technology)が実現します。
Compare the hearing test with our product equipped with MST technology.
- A Type of business
- 1Provide speaker unit of MST technology
- 2Production and supply of high-resolution earphone/headphone OEMs
- 3Technical cooperation with advanced product developers
- A Business partner
- 1Manufacturers of high-end earphones/headphones
- 2OEM/OMD Manufacturers
- 3Home appliances Company
Please contact below for B2B sample request.
- ビジネス形態
- 1MST技術のスピーカーユニット供給
- 2高解像度イヤホン/ヘッドホンOEM生産供給
- 3高級製品開発会社の技術協力
- ビジネスパートナー
- 1高級イヤホン/ヘッダーフォンメーカー
- 2スピーカーOEM/OMDメーカー
- 3家電製品大手
Apply for samples here
Las solicitudes de muestras se hacen aquí
Musteranwendungen finden Sie hier
La demande d'échantillon est ici

- skypeeproject77
- LINEeproject77
- Whatapp+821038681738
- Wechatwxid_sj81eu6dox4a22

What is MST (Magnetostatic Technology)?
- Use of duality*: Electrostatic field --> Magnetostatic field: World’s first
- A high voltage Amp to produce electrostatic field is substituted with neodymium magnet for generating magnetostatic field.
- 2nd Generation Ultra-Resolution Speakers Invented to Replace Electrostatic Speakers
- Lower cost and miniaturization by replacing high voltage devices, the biggest drawback of electrostatic speakers, with permanent magnets
- Enables popularization of the ultra-high resolution audio market
- 第1世代超高解像度スピーカーである静電式(EST)スピーカーで使用する静電気場(Electrostatic field)をduality*を活用して世界で初めて静磁場(Magnetostatic field)に変えて構成する
- 静電式(EST)スピーカーは静電気場を作るため高価な専用アンプと高い電圧が必要だが、ジオサウンドの静磁式(MST)スピーカーは静磁場を作るためにネオジム磁石のみあればオーケーです
- 静電気スピーカーの代わりに発明された第2世代超高解像度スピーカーです
- 静電気スピーカーの最大の短所である高電圧装置を永久磁石に代替してコスト削減と超小型化を実現する
- 超高解像オーディオ市場に画期的な大衆化の実現が出来ることです

Summary of MST (Magnetostatic Tech.)
- 2nd-gen ultra-high resolution speaker which can replace EST speakers.
- It removes the high voltage Amp to reduce cost and size.
- It can popularize the ultra-high resolution audio market.

Advantages of MST Speakers
- The most innovative speaker's structure in the audio device history over 144 years.

- High-speed response
- conveys the feeling of the scene accurately

- No distortion across the whole band
- produces high-quality sound closest to the original

- No loss of medium/high tone sound
- builds detail sound without missing even the smallest

- Compact size
- applicable to all audio devices
Wire Earphone

- Over-ear type, Hybrid driver (Φ9.5mm X T4.2mm) used
Wireless Earphone ('23 Release)

Headphone ('23 Release)



PMT(Planner Magnet Technology) vs MST